Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Love Kristen..... the book

Love Kristen... Have you heard of it? Do you know who she was/is?
I am sure most people do not know who Krsiten was but I am sure we all know a person like Kristen. Allow me to explain.
Kristen Forbes, to me was a fine young lady, who struggled at times with life, guilt, love, hate, relationships, friendships, those lost to sin, those lost to self, those who really had no drive or clue to life.
Kristen had a twinkle in her bright blue eyes everytime we talked on the couch at her parents house, never losing our place in conversation (no matter how long the gap between conversations lasted). She had a raw desire to love others, and God. She was a special person in my life and I will always cherish my special princess time.
She was called a Princess by her parents, friends and even herself. She loved the beach, palm trees, being on the sailboat and listening to Jimmy Buffett or Dave Mathews Band. She was a hard worker no matter if she was dipping Custard, making pizzas or playing the Wii.

Kristen had life by the tail and had graduated from IUPUI, with a degree in business management while working at Walgreens as she wore one of those fancy smock things.. Then one day she wasn't feeling to well. She went to the doctor and after a series of tests, was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer! Yes, the very cervical cancer that eventually took her life.
The book gives the reader a snap shot into her heart and love for people, God and the fighter she was. I do beleive she could have been a UFC super star based on her battle.
Kristen's story is a book that her dad wrote, to help him process the emotions of losing his princess and to help others hear about cervical cancer prevention. Cancer is no fun! I would encourage you to pick up a copy of the book, read it and share in the life of Krsiten.
You may know someone who is battling cancer. This book will help you in the journey.
You may be a person looking for answers to life. This book will help you discover some.

Kristen's story will be published within the next few weeks. Amazon will be selling her book.

I miss Kristen alot and know she is with Christ, and that she is still working through those she touched and through her story.

I spoke to her dad, the author but he would say facilitator of the book and it is getting closer to release. He is a loving dad who would do anything to help other dads not experience the pain and grief he has experienced.

Go get the book and share it!

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