Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ash Wednesday and giving up

I have been reflecting on my spiritual journey and how God has shaped me over the past few years. I have had some struggles that were learning experiences for sure.
As many of you may know, this Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, a day the christian church celebrates with a church service that usually ends with ashes from palm branches being placed on your forehead in a blessing.
God has been challenging my depth in commitment lately with what I give up and how I use the time during the next 40days between ash Wednesday and Easter. You see I have given up diet coke, donuts, sweets and other things but it has been for me a shallow attempt to sacrfice in comfort. I am beginning to realize God wants all of our hearts everyday and the fast (sacrfice for lent) should be spent spreading His love or news to others as we sacrifice something This is an easy thing if we do this at church but what if we do it at school with teachers we don't like or in traffic when we are in a hurry to get home but let someone in front of us in traffic? What about sharing love to the people serving your drive-thru meal or giving up your lunch spot for a person you aren't friends with?
I don't need to know what you are doing but pray you can do it for God with your whole heart.

Beware of random acts of friendship and grace.

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