Thursday, October 8, 2009

can't find my keys

Have you ever listed your keys? You put them down in your favorite spot only to search for them all over the place because you can't find them. That was my deal this morning, I went to find my keys this morning in the usual spot, but they weren't there, so I had to look all over the house. Guess where they were?? Yes in my pocket with me all the time.
After calmig down and thinking through the experience I began to realize it is reflective of our walk with God at times. We have a relationship with him and then put him in the usual place till the weekend comes or if we have a life struggle or test at school or maybe an illness. Then we search for Him all over the place looking in the usual place unable to locate him. Then we begin to search all over our lives, we try to find him through friends, drugs, school grades, our jobs and so on. Then we realize he is right there with us all along the journey
My challenge today is: take time to seek God to grow in His ways and to help others find Him in a new way

Keep searching