Tuesday, March 31, 2009

compared communications

I have had a facebook and twitter account for quite sometime and just moved from a broken Black Berry to the iPhone. I confess all this, as a prelude to the point.
With the iPhone or Black Berry phone and it's friendly 3G (high speed Internet access) capability you can access your Myspace, Facebook, Instant Messenger and Twitter accounts from your phone which isn't all bad but definately gives time to stay in touch with others.
I wonder how well we use the technology of today to connnect with God. You can add bible, prayer and daily scripture txts all for a cheap fee or for free.
I just see so many people using devices to let others know what they are doing and don't use the same technology to connect with God.
I encourage you to dig a little deeper and ask a techy friend to help you with adding some spiritual influences on your phone. It can add depth to your time with God.