Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Middle Road

I have been struggling of late. On one end I am drawn to technology, to the latest and greatest of computers, cell phones etc.. and also to watch and see the latest movies when the come out.
The other end of me is a person seeking to grow as a Christ follower, knowing that God is calling me to a higher standard, a narrower road to travel then most choose.
How can we live in both worlds without a consistant struggle between the desires of the mind and the desires of the heart. You'll have to figure out which is which.

I know the more we fill our minds and lives with stuff, the easier it is to pursue gain and achieve goals and financial things but I also know our focus must first be on the one who created us and ultimately the things we pursue.

Some days I win the battle and others I dont fair so well, but I am always into win. I pray that we can move from the things of our world to the things of our God.

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